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Operations Control Center
2001 Training Simulation
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1. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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2. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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3. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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4. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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5. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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6. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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7. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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8. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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9. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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10. Training Simulation for Operation Team
The training simulation was run over 2 days in January of 2001 at the OCC using the spacecraft hardware simulator as the source of data. The team had no prior knowledge of the simulated problem (a failed gyro leading to safemode) and responded with a correct analysis, problem identification and plan for recovery to science operations. The exercise also included several simulated ground system problems.
(Photo: CXC)

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