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WD 2226-210:
X-ray Signal Points to Destroyed Planet, Chandra Finds
After tracking a puzzling X-ray signal from a dying star for decades, astronomers may have finally explained its source: the old star might have destroyed a nearby planet. 
More (4 Mar 25)

Data Sonification: Sounds from Around the Universe

By turning Chandra and other NASA images into sounds, our project allows you to "listen" the data of exploding stars, black holes and more.

Award-winning Documentary

A documentary on Chandra's sonifications is streaming free on NASA+.

Pencil & paper activities
Make the Most of Your Universe
Pencil & paper activities, computer-based learning & more
3d Files
3D Files and Resources:
Printable 3D Chandra Spacecraft.

Top Rated Images

Chandra Releases 3D Instagram Experiences

Data Sonification

Supermassive Black Hole in UHZ1

30 Doradus B

Brightest Cluster Galaxies

Timelapses: Crab Nebula and Cassiopeia A

Chandra's 25th Anniversary

NGC 602

WD 2226-210

Sonification Collection

Omega Centauri

Sonification Collection

SDSS J1531+3414

Molecular Clouds in Galactic Center

GSN 069

V404 Cygni Sonification

30 Doradus

Tycho's Supernova Remnant

NGC 253

Image Gallery

Music Composition From Space

SNR 1181

Galactic Center Vent

The Core of M87

Sagittarius A East

Center of Our Milky Way Galaxy

Chandra Meets Webb


NGC 4839

Cassiopeia A
Photo Album
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