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Chandra Images by Date: 2015
21 Dec 15
A galaxy cluster located almost 700 million light years from Earth.
10 Dec 15
A supernova remnant nicknamed the "Jellyfish Nebula" located about 5,000 light years from Earth.
23 Nov 15
(Cheshire Cat)
A group of galaxies nicknamed the "Cheshire Cat" about 4.6 billion light years from Earth.
12 Nov 15
The westernmost star in the "belt" in the constellation of Orion
21 Oct 15
A tidal disruption in a galaxy about 290 million light years from Earth.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
30 Sep 15
A galaxy cluster nicknamed the "Phoenix Cluster" located about 5.7 billion light years from Earth.
23 Sep 15
The 4-million-solar-mass black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
26 Aug 15
A collision of two galaxy clusters located about 1.6 billion light years from Earth.
11 Aug 15
The smallest supermassive black hole ever detected in the center of a galaxy.
22 Jul 15
A binary system with a pulsar and massive star in orbit around each other
09 Jul 15
A black hole ejects part of the accreted matter in the form of energetic radiation.
02 Jul 15
A young star cluster about 780 light years from Earth.
23 Jun 15
A system with a neutron star in orbit with a massive star about 30,700 light years from Earth.
10 Jun 15
A group of galaxies located about 105 million light years from Earth.
28 May 15
Extremely tiny bubbles and irregularities in space-time predicted by certain theories.
28 May 15
Extremely tiny bubbles and irregularities in space-time predicted by certain theories.
28 May 15
Extremely tiny bubbles and irregularities in space-time predicted by certain theories.
28 May 15
Extremely tiny bubbles and irregularities in space-time predicted by certain theories.
28 May 15
Extremely tiny bubbles and irregularities in space-time predicted by certain theories.
14 May 15
(Sgr Magnetar)
A magnetar as close as about 2 trillion miles to the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.
30 Apr 15
Three of 51 distant quasars ranging from about 5 billion to 11.5 billion light years from Earth.
30 Apr 15
Three of 51 distant quasars ranging from about 5 billion to 11.5 billion light years from Earth.
30 Apr 15
Three of 51 distant quasars ranging from about 5 billion to 11.5 billion light years from Earth.
30 Apr 15
Three of 51 distant quasars ranging from about 5 billion to 11.5 billion light years from Earth.
16 Apr 15
A globular cluster about 35,000 light years from Earth.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
26 Mar 15
Six galaxy clusters that are part of a study of 72 colliding clusters.
16 Mar 15
A stellar explosion, called a nova, which is about 1,500 light years from Earth.
04 Mar 15
A galaxy cluster located about one billion light years from Earth.
25 Feb 15
A galaxy about 100 million light years away with an intermediate-mass black hole in one of its spiral arms.
12 Feb 15
A supernova remnant in the Milky Way about 16,000 light years from Earth.
22 Jan 15
Five objects at various distances that have been observed by Chandra
22 Jan 15
Five objects at various distances that have been observed by Chandra
22 Jan 15
Five objects at various distances that have been observed by Chandra
22 Jan 15
Five objects at various distances that have been observed by Chandra
22 Jan 15
Five objects at various distances that have been observed by Chandra
05 Jan 15
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way about 26,000 light years from Earth.