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Transport of Spacecraft to KSC

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1. Preparation for Transport
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is lowered into its shipping container at TRW Space and Electronics Group (now NGST) in Redondo Beach, Calif., in preparation for airlift to Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on Thursday, Feb. 4, 1999
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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2. Preparation for Transport
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is lowered into its shipping container at TRW Space and Electronics Group (now NGST) in Redondo Beach, Calif., in preparation for airlift to Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on Thursday, Feb. 4, 1999.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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3. Preparation for Transport
Double-bagged to protect it from contamination, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is prepared for shipment from TRW Space and Electronics Group (now NGST) in Redondo Beach, CA, to the Kennedy Space Center, FL, on Thursday, Feb. 4, 1999.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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4. Preparation for Transport
Transport of the CXC Spacecraft from TRW (now NGST) to KSC.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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5. Transport of Spacecraft
Transport of the CXC Spacecraft from TRW (now NGST) to KSC. The world's most powerful X-ray telescope is being prepared for launch aboard Space Shuttle mission STS-93.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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6. Transport of Spacecraft
NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory is unloaded from an Air Force C-5 Galaxy after arrival at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Feb. 4, 1999.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)

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7. Transport of Spacecraft
NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory is unloaded from an Air Force C-5 Galaxy after arrival at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Feb. 4, 1999.
(NASA Photo: D. Keim)
