Chandra & the Carnival of Space
Submitted by chandra on Thu, 2011-06-23 15:49The Carnival of Space is a round up of astronomy and space-related blogs that started back in 2007. Every week, a different webmaster or blogger hosts the carnival, showcasing articles written on the topic of space. This week, it's our turn to host the Carnival here on the Chandra blog. Enjoy!
Welcome to this week’s Carnival of Space. We’ve got a lot to cover in the weekly blog carnival, so let’s jump right into it.
On WeirdWarp, Chris Dann features the latest view of the Centaurus A galaxy from the Hubble Space Telescope. This famous galaxy just seems to get better each time a telescope takes a new look.
Mike Simonsen at Simostronomy has an account of his recent trip to the Texas Star Party. Sounds like quite an event!
Over at Urban Astronomer, we find a write up of a newly discovered planetary system that didn't make too many headlines, but is fascinating nonetheless. This system apparently contains two giant planets around a pair of stars – a result that would have been pure science fiction just a few years ago.