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Stop for Science: Listening to Light (04-11-2012)
When we look up on a dark night, we see a sky filled with stars. The light from a star, like the light from a flashlight or a lightning bug, is one form of electromagnetic radiation.

- Related Links:
--  STOP for Science: Over the Rainbow
--  X-rays & Light

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Cassiopeia A in 60 Seconds (04-03-2012)
Over three hundred years ago, a very large star ran out of fuel and collapsed. This event created an explosion, known as a supernova, which then produced an expanding field of debris.

- Related Links:
--  A Star Explodes and Turns Inside Out
--  Tour of Cassiopeia A

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A Tour of 3C 186: An Interview with Dr. Aneta Siemiginowska (03-23-2012)
A galaxy cluster containing a structure never previously seen so far from Earth has been observed by Chandra X-ray Observatory.

- Related Links:
--  Precocious Galaxy Cluster Identified by Chandra
--  Tour of 3C186

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Abell 383 in 60 Seconds (03-14-2012)
Dark matter is mysterious. We know that it is invisible material that does not emit or absorb any type of light, but we can detect it through the gravitational effects it has on material we can see.

- Related Links:
--  Getting a Full Picture of an Elusive Subject
--  Tour of Abell 383

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Sgr A* in 60 Seconds (02-09-2012)
Over several years, astronomers have noticed flares in X-ray light from the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Finds Milky Way's Black Hole May be Grazing on Asteroids
--  Tour of Sagittarius A*

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Please note: These podcasts include artist illustrations and conceptual animations in addition to astronomical data.