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More Images of 4C+00.58
Labeled X-ray & Radio Image of 4C+00.58
At the center of 4C +00.58 is a supermassive black hole that is actively pulling in large quantities of gas. Gas swirling toward the black hole forms a disk around the black hole, generating strong electromagnetic forces that propel some of the gas away from the disk at high speed, producing radio jets. A radio image of this galaxy shows a bright pair of jets pointing from left to right and a fainter, more distant line of radio emission running approximately from the top to the bottom of the image. The labeled image shows these two sets of radio emission. This galaxy belongs to a class of "X-shaped" galaxies because of the outline of the radio emission. The X-ray image of hot gas in and around 4C +00.58 reveals four different cavities -- regions of lower than average X-ray emission -- around the black hole. These cavities come in pairs: one in the top-right and bottom-left (labeled cavities #1 and #2 respectively), and another in the top-left and bottom-right (labeled cavities #3 and #4 respectively). Special processing was applied to this image to make the cavities more obvious.
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al): Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al))
Click for large jpg X-ray
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Click for large jpgRadio
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Click for large jpg Xray, Radio
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X-ray, Radio and Optical Images of 4C+00.58
These images show the effects of a giant black hole that has been flipped around twice, causing its spin axis to point in a different direction from before. The large field optical image, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, is centered on a radio galaxy named 4C +00.58. The close-up views of this galaxy are shown in X-rays (in gold) from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and radio waves (in blue) from the Very Large Array.
(Credit:X-ray (NASA/CXC/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al): Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al); Optical (SDSS))
Click for large jpg X-ray, Standard Processed
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Click for large jpgX-ray, Radio, Standard Processed
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Standard Processed X-ray Images
The close-up view of this standard-processed image shows a composite image of the galaxy 4C +00.58 in X-rays from Chandra (gold) and radio waves from the Very Large Array (blue). New data suggest the giant black hole has been flipped around, causing its spin axis to point in a different direction from before. The deep Chandra X-ray image shows hot gas in and around 4C +00.58 and reveals four different cavities -- regions of lower than average X-ray emission -- around the black hole. The X-ray data when combined with the radio information suggests that collisions with other galaxies may have caused the black hole to shift the direction it was spinning.
(Credit:X-ray (NASA/CXC/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al): Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al))
Scale Bar Image
X-ray/Radio with Scale
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4C+00.58 with Scale Bar
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al): Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/UMD/Hodges-Kluck et al))

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