Chandra X-ray Image of SN2007on in NGC 1404
This Chandra X-ray Observatory image shows the elliptical galaxy NGC 1404 in the Fornax galaxy cluster. The middle of the galaxy is near the bottom of the image and the X-ray source at the center of the image is the possible progenitor of the Type Ia supernova, SN 2007on. This image was obtained 4 years before 2007on was seen to explode. The labeled version of the image shows a white circle centered on the optical position of SN 2007on. The slight difference between the positions of the supernova and the X-ray source suggest that the source is unrelated to the supernova, but further observations are needed to test this possibility.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/MPE/R. Voss et al.)
This Chandra X-ray Observatory image shows the elliptical galaxy NGC 1404 in the Fornax galaxy cluster. The middle of the galaxy is near the bottom of the image and the X-ray source at the center of the image is the possible progenitor of the Type Ia supernova, SN 2007on. This image was obtained 4 years before 2007on was seen to explode. The labeled version of the image shows a white circle centered on the optical position of SN 2007on. The slight difference between the positions of the supernova and the X-ray source suggest that the source is unrelated to the supernova, but further observations are needed to test this possibility.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/MPE/R. Voss et al.)
Chandra X-ray Image of the Fornax Cluster
The center of the Fornax galaxy cluster is shown in this Chandra image. The galaxy NGC 1404 is shown below and to the left of the center, with the optical position of the supernova shown in the labeled version with a white square. Hot gas is clearly visible in the center of the cluster and around NGC 1404.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Columbia U./C.Scharf et al. )
The center of the Fornax galaxy cluster is shown in this Chandra image. The galaxy NGC 1404 is shown below and to the left of the center, with the optical position of the supernova shown in the labeled version with a white square. Hot gas is clearly visible in the center of the cluster and around NGC 1404.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Columbia U./C.Scharf et al. )
SWIFT Optical Image of SN2007on in NGC 1404
The supernova SN 2007on is shown here at the center of a SWIFT image obtained with the optical/UV monitor. This image was obtained on November 11, 2007, only 6 days after the supernova was discovered using the 0.25-m robotic telescope TAROT at La Silla.
(Credit: NASA/Swift)
The supernova SN 2007on is shown here at the center of a SWIFT image obtained with the optical/UV monitor. This image was obtained on November 11, 2007, only 6 days after the supernova was discovered using the 0.25-m robotic telescope TAROT at La Silla.
(Credit: NASA/Swift)
Hubble Optical Image of NGC 1404
This optical image obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope shows the galaxy NGC 1404 before SN 2007on was seen to explode. The green square shows the position where SN 2007on was later seen. This image is rotated so that the orientation is different from that shown for the Chandra image.
(Credit: NASA/STScI)
This optical image obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope shows the galaxy NGC 1404 before SN 2007on was seen to explode. The green square shows the position where SN 2007on was later seen. This image is rotated so that the orientation is different from that shown for the Chandra image.
(Credit: NASA/STScI)