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Chandra X-ray Image of Coronet Cluster
The Coronet Cluster is a loose collection of a few dozen young stars. The Chandra data support the idea that X-rays from such young stars are generated largely from magnetic activity in the outer atmospheres. Due to the host of stars in different life stages in the Coronet, astronomers can use these data to pinpoint details of how the youngest stars evolve.
(Credit: Chandra: NASA/CXC/CfA/J. Forbrich)
The Coronet Cluster is a loose collection of a few dozen young stars. The Chandra data support the idea that X-rays from such young stars are generated largely from magnetic activity in the outer atmospheres. Due to the host of stars in different life stages in the Coronet, astronomers can use these data to pinpoint details of how the youngest stars evolve.
(Credit: Chandra: NASA/CXC/CfA/J. Forbrich)
Spitzer Infrared Image of Coronet Cluster
While perhaps not quite as well known as its star formation cousin of Orion, the Corona Australis region (containing, at its heart, the Coronet Cluster) is one of the nearest and most active regions of ongoing star formation. The Spitzer image shows young stars plus diffuse emission from dust.
(Credit: Chandra: NASA/Spitzer/CfA/L. Allen)
While perhaps not quite as well known as its star formation cousin of Orion, the Corona Australis region (containing, at its heart, the Coronet Cluster) is one of the nearest and most active regions of ongoing star formation. The Spitzer image shows young stars plus diffuse emission from dust.
(Credit: Chandra: NASA/Spitzer/CfA/L. Allen)
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