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Video Series: 2020

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

A Tour of Chandra Data Tests "Theory of Everything" (03-19-2020)
Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have made one of the first experimental tests of string theory, a set of models intended to tie together all known forces, particles, and interactions.

- Related Links:
--  A Tour of Chandra Data Tests "Theory of Everything"

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A Quick Look at the Biggest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe (02-27-2020)
Astronomers have discovered the biggest explosion seen in the Universe in a galaxy cluster 390 million light years away.

- Related Links:
--  Ophiuchus Galaxy Cluster: Record-Breaking Explosion by Black Hole Spotted

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A Tour of the Biggest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe (02-27-2020)
Astronomers have discovered the biggest explosion seen in the Universe in a galaxy cluster 390 million light years away.

- Related Links:
--  Ophiuchus Galaxy Cluster: Record-Breaking Explosion by Black Hole Spotted

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A Quick Look at a Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde (02-20-2020)
Astronomers have spotted a double star system is flip-flopping between two alter egos using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes.

- Related Links:
--  A Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde

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A Tour of a Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde (02-20-2020)
Astronomers have spotted a double star system is flip-flopping between two alter egos using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes.

- Related Links:
--  A Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde

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