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Friday 15 July 2005 8.00am EDT
During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include
an observation of GRB050709 that was approved as a fast turn-around
Target Of Opportunity (TOO). Loads were replanned and uplinked on July
12 An observation of M81 was impacted by the TOO and will be
rescheduled in a later load.
A recurrence of the ACIS threshold crossing plane latchup occurred on July 9 and impacted an observation of RX J1713.7-3946. The t-plane was cleared at the start of the following observation by commands in the load that reset the the ACIS Front End Processors. The commanding is routinely included in the loads in anticipation of an occasional occurrence of this anomaly, the last being Nov 2001. An Aspect Camera dark current calibration was performed from the on-board loads on 10 July. Chandra passed through the first eclipse of the 2005 summer season on July 13 with nominal power and thermal performance. A real-time procedure was executed on Jan 11 to execute SCS 29 in preparation for the first eclipse. The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes a continuation of the series of observations of the comet Tempel. |
Radiation Belts Jul 18 3C120 ACIS-I M81* ACIS-S/HETG Jul 19 NGC 6544 ACIS-S Jul 20 Radiation Belts NGC 3576 ACIS-I Jul 21 Sgr C ACIS-I NGC 3576 ACIS-I Jul 23 Radiation Belts Comet Tempel 1 (4 obs) ACIS-S Jul 24 SMCwing 12 ACIS-I Sgr A* ACIS-I
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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