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Sunday 2 April 2000 3.00pm EDT
During the last week, Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.
The observatory passed through the final (13th) eclipse of the Spring 2000 season with nominal power and thermal performance. The eclipse was a short duration eclipse (40 min) and occurred at 2:43am on 3/28, lasting for 32.7 minutes. A real-time procedure was completed on 3/29 to uplink a software constant patch to the Electrical Power System to configure for the solstice period (March-September). The scheduled observations for the next week are: |
MITG J0414+0534 ACIS-S Apr 2 B2 0755+37 ACIS-S W3B ACIS-I BAL 1044+3656 ACIS-S Apr 3 Q1331+170 ACIS-S MKW 3S ACIS-I 1735-269 ACIS-S Apr 4 E0102-72.3 ACIS-I 1E 0056.8-7154 ACIS-S Radiation Belt MCG-6-30-15 ACIS-S/HETG Apr 5 RX J1347-114 ACIS-S Apr 6 UM 425 ACIS-S NGC 4406 ACIS-S Radiation Belts Apr 7 Zeta Ori ACIS-S/HETG 4U 1538-52 ACIS-I Apr 8 RE 0751+14 HRC-S/LETG Apr 9 Zeta Ori ACIS-S/HETG 1E 0056.8-7154 ACIS-S Radiation Belts
Note that a major radio flare was detected from the the X-ray source Cygnus X-3 on April 1. The source has been accepted as a Target Of Opportunity (TOO) and rescheduling work began on 4/2. The next status report will include schedule revisions made to to accommodate the Cygnus X-3 observations.
The spacecraft subsystems continued to operate nominally.
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