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[Quiz 1 | Quiz 2 | Quiz 3 | Quiz 4 ]

Quiz 4

X-rays & Light

1. Xrays are another form of ?

a. Radiation
b. Light
c. Optics
d. Atmosphere
2. X-radiation was discovered by which scientist ?
a. Wilhelm Roentgen
b. Marie Curie
c. Richard Feynman
d. Fritz Zwicky
3.Which is not a part of the electromagnetic spectrum ?

a. Gamma Rays
b. Burster Rays
c. X-rays
d. Visible Light
4. The absorption of an X-ray into the atmosphere is called ?

a. Moisture absorption
b. Energy absorption
c. Catalytic absorption
d. Photo-electric absorption
5. What was the first imaging X-ray observatory ?

a. Uhuru Xray Satellite
b. Hubble
c. Einstein Observatory
d. Chandra Observatory
6. X-rays are produced from ?

a. High-speed collision of an electron and a proton
b. Low-speed collision of an electron and a proton
c. Neutron and proton collision at high temperature
d. Photon and neutron collision at low temperature
7. A photon

a. Aids in the formation of neutrino oscillations
b. Is an atomic particle with a positive charge
c. Helps make up electromagnetic radiation
d. Is an elementary particle with a large mass
8. What type of temperatures produce x-rays ?

a. High
b. Medium
c. Low
d. Extremely low
9. X-rays do not reflect off mirrors, rather they are ?

a. Bounced off
b. Absorbed
c. Deflected
d. Scattered
10. X-ray observatories must be placed high above the Earth's surface because?

a. Earth's atmosphere deflects X-rays
b. The observatories must have an unobstructed view
c. Earth's atmosphere absorbs X-rays
d. Ground transmissions will interfer with the X-ray observatory's study