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Electromagnetic Pasta

The light that our eyes can see is called visible light. Different wavelengths of visible light are seen as different colors by our eyes. But the Sun and stars send us more than just visible light; they send invisible light as well. Both visible and invisible light are referred to as electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Invisible light has either longer wavelengths or shorter wavelengths than the visible light we see with our eyes. When these different forms of light are placed side by side in order of increasing or decreasing wavelength, they make up the electromagnetic spectrum.

Your Task: Using different types of pasta (spaghetti, linguini, cappellini, fettucini, lasagne, orzo, macaroni, rigatoni, manicotti, ziti, etc), create a combined model/display. You will use these pasta analogies to explain the principal classification of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Your model/display must:

  1. clearly characterize each type of EMR.
  2. describe the human uses of each type of EMR.
  3. include an explanation for choosing each type of pasta to represent a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum by making an analogy between the pasta and the EMR it represents.
  4. include a critique of how the pasta analogy/model, providing at least one good explanation of how it does and does not represent the real thing.

    You may choose to display your model using any medium you choose. Your display should be neat, well-organized, explanatory, and visually appealing!