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Photos of FETTU in the US




This sequence shows a small sample of some of the dozens of locations that FETTU appeared in across the US during 2009. The photos show the image panels - consisting of some of the best astronomical images from telescopes on the ground and in space - on Columbia University's campus in New York City, at the Benjamin J. Hooks library in Memphis, Tenn., and at the Center for Visually Impaired in Atlanta, Ga. Photo Credits at FETTU website.

Trailer of FETTU Around the World


In addition to the exhibits in the US, FETTU was also a worldwide project during IYA 2009. Using the materials curated by FETTU project, volunteers and organizers around the world created their own versions of the exhibits in various languages, formats, and venues. By the end of 2009, there were over 500 separate FETTU exhibits in nearly 70 different countries on every continent except Antarctica. Credits: Production: NASA/CXC, Ian Albinson; Photo credits at FETTU website.


This sequence shows a small sample of some of the dozens of locations that FETTU appeared in across the US during 2009. The photos show the image panels - consisting of some of the best astronomical images from telescopes on the ground and in space - on Columbia University's campus in New York City, at the Benjamin J. Hooks library in Memphis, Tenn., and at the Center for Visually Impaired in Atlanta, Ga. Photo Credits at FETTU website.

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