More Images of Rosette Nebula
X-ray Image Zoom
A close-up of the Chandra data at center of the Rosette Nebula.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.)

Color Optical/X-ray Composite
This image shows the Chandra X-ray data overlaid on optical data from the same region. Note that wide-field Chandra images make the point sources around the edges look big and the ones in the middle look small. This is an artifact of the telescope. The optical does not have such distortions.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al. Optical: T.A.Rector, B.Wolpa, M.Hanna, KPNO 0.9-m Mosaic, NOAO/AURA/NSF)

Optical Image with X-ray Contours
This image shows where the Chandra data appears in relation to the region as seen in optical wavelengths.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al. Optical: T.A.Rector, B.Wolpa, M.Hanna, KPNO 0.9-m Mosaic, NOAO/AURA/NSF)

Optical Image
This false color (hydrogen = red, oxygen = green, sulfur = blue) optical image of the Rosette Nebula shows a prominent star formation region, glowing due to ultraviolet light from the young, hot, blue stars whose winds also cleared the central hole. It is very large on the sky, covering more than six times the area of the full moon.
(Credit: Optical: T.A.Rector, B.Wolpa, M.Hanna, KPNO 0.9-m Mosaic, NOAO/AURA/NSF )

X-ray Image
(Credit: NASA/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.)

Chandra X-ray Image with Scale Bar
Scale bar = 4 arcmin
Credit: NASA/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.

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